Umut Speaking at Kyoto!


The Molen PI, Dr. Umut Toprak will be speaking at the “XXVII International Congress of Entomology (ICE2024)”, to be held in Kyoto, Japan, August 25 (Sun) -30(Fri) ,2024. The congress is the biggest entomological event in the world and will be at the Kyoto International Conference Center.  Umut will be speaking at the symposium “Molecular determinants driving pesticide resistance and selectivity in invertebrates” organized by  Ralf Nauen (Bayer AG, Crop Science Division), Gaelle Le Goff (INRAE),  and Thomas Van Leeuwen (Ghent University). The symposium will take place at Room10 Room G at 1:30 PM – 6:15 PM on Thu. Aug 29, 2024. Umut will be speaking on “Resistance incidence and mechanisms in Frankliniella occidentalis populations from Türkiye”.

The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Acari: Thripidae), is one of the most devastating pests, especially in vegetable crops worldwide including Türkiye! In the study, Umut will be speaking on the resistance status of field-collected F. occidentalis populations to five different insecticides (cyantraniliprole, spinetoram, acrinathrin, abamectin, spinosad) and the mutations at the target genes of selected insecticides. Lastly, a transcriptomic analysis performed on a multi-resistant F. occidentalis population to uncover resistance mechanisms at the gene level will be the focus of Umut’s talk. Hope to see you all in Kyoto!