News 20 February 2025Special Issue Led by Dr. Umut Toprak Now Published in Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology!We are thrilled to announce that the special issue titled “Recent…
News 19 February 2025Üretmezsek Tükeniriz Konferansına Son 3 Gün!Mersin Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası (MTSO), Akdeniz İhracatçılar…
News 13 February 2025Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak Mersin’de Konuşacak!Direktörümüz Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, Mersin Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Mersin Ticaret ve…
News 26 January 2025TRT Haber’e Teşekkürler!MOLEN olarak Böcek lipid metabolizması üzerine yıllardır çalışıyoruz. Direktörümüz Prof. Umut…
News 24 January 2025Dr. Umut, TRT Radyo1’de Gündem Programının Konuğu Oldu!MOLEN Direktörü, Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, TRT Radyo 1’de Gündem Programının…
News 20 January 2025Patates böcekleri uyuyor bilim çalışıyor!Direktörümüz Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, PNAS’ta çıkan araştırma makalemizle ilişkili olarak…
News 20 January 2025Congratulations to Dr. Umut Toprak on Being Recognized as a Top Scientist Worldwide!We are thrilled to announce that our Principal Investigator, Dr. Umut…
News 16 January 2025Dr. Umut Kanal B Canlı Yayınında Günce Programına Konuk Oldu!Direktörümüz, Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, 15 Ocak Çarşamba Günü saat 17:30’da…
News 14 January 2025Dr. Umut Kanal B’de Günce Programının Konuğu Olacak!Molen Direktörü, Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, 15 Ocak Çarşamba Günü saat…
News 9 January 2025A New Nanoformulation from MOLEN!Our latest study presents an innovative approach to sustainable pest management…
News 27 December 2024TÖMER Müdürü Prof. Dr. Timur Gültekin Molen’i Ziyaret Etti!Üniversitemiz Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, Antropoloji Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi ve aynı…
News 27 December 2024Dr. Umut, Mersin ZMO’da Konuştu!Molen direktörü, Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası (ZMO) Mersin…
News 25 December 2024Dr. Umut ZMO Mersin’de Konuşuyor “Yeni Nesil Biyopestisitler”Molen direktörü, Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası Mersin Şubesinin…
News 25 December 2024Happy Birthday Vildan!Today, we celebrated Vildan’s birthday at Molen. Happy birthday, Vildan! We…
News 2 December 2024Happy Birthday Gökçe!Today, we celebrated the birthday of our lab manager, Gökçe, at…
News 22 November 2024Entomology 2024 in Phoenix: A Memorable Experience!Another successful meeting of the Entomological Society of America (ESA), Entomology 2024,…
News 22 November 2024Dr. Umut is in the Editorial Board of Journal of Insect Physiology!New Editorial Assignment for our PI, Dr. Umut! Dr. Umut was…
Announcements, News 12 November 2024Dr. Umut is speaking in Arizona!The Molen PI, Dr. Umut Toprak will be attending into the…
News 12 November 2024Our recent paper in J Econ Entomol! Baculovirus formulation overcomes phylloplane effectOne new paper from Molen! Our recent paper ” A novel…
News 12 November 2024Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak’tan Anadolu Ajansına Özel Ropörtaj!Molen grup lideri Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, Molen’de geliştirdikleri dsRNA ve…
News 5 November 2024Springer Book Chapter on Lipid Metabolism!Our recent publication, “Lipid Metabolism as a Target Site in Pest…
News 1 November 2024Umut is an Associate Editor for Insect Molecular Biology!New Editorial Assignment for our PI, Dr. Umut! Dr. Umut was…
News 1 November 2024EMC2024 is Over!One great organization, the 9. International Entomopathogens and Microbial Control Congress…
News 16 October 2024Umut Attended CA23127 Brussels!The E.U.-based COST project “CA23127 – Group on Insect Nutrition: To…
News 11 October 2024Happy Birthday Alp and Kenan!Today, we celebrated two birthdays at Molen! One is our new…
News 11 October 2024Breakfast with Molen Team!Today, we had breakfast all together at the great yard of…
News 11 October 2024The Chitin Symposium is Over!The Satellite Symposium “Chitinous structures in ecdysozoan species” that was held…
News 27 September 2024Umut is in the “World’s Most Influential Scientists” List!The August 2024 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized…
News 27 September 2024Umut is in ECE Praesidium!Our PI, Dr. Umut Toprak, has a new assignment! Dr. Umut …