Our article ”A journey into the world of insect lipid metabolism” by Toprak et al. has been again announced to be in the Top10 most downloaded article during its first 12 months of publication in Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology! Congratulations to all authors!
Most-downloaded Article from MOLEN!
Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak’tan Anadolu Ajansına Özel Ropörtaj!
Molen grup lideri Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, Molen’de geliştirdikleri dsRNA ve…
Dr. Umut ZMO Mersin’de Konuşuyor “Yeni Nesil Biyopestisitler”
Molen direktörü, Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası Mersin Şubesinin…
Umut visited AAFC, Saskatoon, Canada!
Umut has been to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon, Dr. Dwayne…