Molen (Molecular Entomology) Lab. was founded in 2014 at the Dept. of Plant Protection Ankara University upon start of Dr. Umut Toprak as an Assistant Professor at the same department. The lab. is equipped with basic and advanced molecular instruments to conduct all types of molecular analysis. We mostly deal with insect physiology, biochemistry, pathology and toxicology.

Latest Posts
New Publication on RNAi-Based Insecticide Resistance Management
Our latest collaborative research on RNA interference (RNAi)-based bioinsecticides has been…
Dr. Umut Bloomberg Canlı Yayınına katıldı!
Laboratuvarımız direktörü Prof. Umut Toprak, Bloomberg HT canlı yayınında Tarım Analiz…
’Üretmezsek Tükeniriz Tarım Konferansı’ Başarıyla Tamamlandı!
Geleneksel hale gelen ve 22 Şubat Cumartesi günü Mersin’de 4.’sü düzenlenen…
Special Issue Led by Dr. Umut Toprak Now Published in Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology!
We are thrilled to announce that the special issue titled “Recent…
Üretmezsek Tükeniriz Konferansına Son 3 Gün!
Mersin Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası (MTSO), Akdeniz İhracatçılar…
Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak Mersin’de Konuşacak!
Direktörümüz Prof. Dr. Umut Toprak, Mersin Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Mersin Ticaret ve…

Innovation Center of Molecular Insect Science
Molen (Molecular Entomology) lab. is equipped with basic and advanced molecular instruments to conduct all types of molecular analysis. We mostly deal with insect physiology, biochemistry, pathology and toxicology.